Machines Hot Drink Tabletop Bean2Cup rhea Business Line
The rhea Business Line smart sleek bean to cup coffee machines for every location and need.
The rhea Business Line machines offer improved performance and a design that enhances any location.
There are two models, the rhea Business Line eC which is slim and compact with three canisters offering Beans, granulated milk powder and chocolate. There is also hot water for tea. The second model is the rhea BL grande this machine has an extra canister for use with decaff instant or a different milk.
Both models of the Business Line have the Variflex brewer which is an adjustable brewer that adapts to the quantity of ground coffee required determined by the drink selection.
They are compatible with the tm.on which is the remote maintenance telemetry available from Rhea. This technology enables your machine to be monitored around the clock allowing any error messages to be promptly dealt with.
*Price Per Cup Offer* 300 drinks per week @ 25p per cup
This offer includes
1 x Rhea Business Line eC Bean to Cup
Full warranty parts & labour
Water filter
Annual service
10kgs of coffee beans every 4 weeks for up to 3 years
Minimum Term 12 months
- Variflex brewer
- Up to 48 direct selections
- Touch Interface

Dimensions (hxwxd) mm | 560x318x537 eC |
Dimensions (hxwxd) mm | 591x422x585 Grande |

Volume of drinks | 150+ drinks per day |
Milk type | Granulated milk, and Milk pot |
Water connection | Plumbed mains water |
Payment Methods | Freevend |
Specific drink requirements | One bean, and Chocolate |